Monday, January 22, 2007

They joined the BANNED wagon!

Wow congratulations to the banned peeps! It was a real success. Todo Todo Torres! John gets Banned!

Small project with Big Dreams! BB and the rest of the peeps really appreciate all the help and support!

Just to share some pix!

(all lined up for the show.. )

(You've never seen Freedom filled to the brim.)

(Rock and Roll!)

(The Banned-its and Mr. John Torres)

You won't see me much in this blog post. Just because it's a celebration of Banned Movies' hard work. Congratulations Bosses!


Anonymous said...

so happy for you guys. :)
- john

Bienvenido's Boss said...

A superstar visited my blogsite WOW! Thanks sa support John!

- Bien and BB

enuhski said...

BB! bien!

can't wait for our next fun project! =) see u soon!